Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A New Chapter

I've heard a lot of talk and chatter lately concerning a "New Chapter".  What does that mean?  Is it just some nonsense some high ranking official (Gov) has taken to saying, just some sound bite?To each, I'm sure, it may have a different meaning.  To me, it means each new experience should be embraced, savored, enjoyed for what it is.  This is very difficult to do.  I find myself always looking forward to the next "fix", the next big trip. It's always what's "next".  Last years (can't believe it is already "last years" trip) trip was on the surface a disappointment.  A struggle, endurance.  If I really ponder that trip, I can find the silver lining.  I can see it for what it was, a great trip.  A new experience, a new taste.  Did I realize that during the trip?  Possibly.  One day at a time. That, to me, is the New Chapter.

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