Saturday, March 24, 2012

Stream of No Return #2

To quote those two sages of the seventies, "My brain is like a sieve!". That's cheech and chong if you didn't remember that album. I was disrupting my wife's rest at midnight on Wednesday trying to pin point on the iPad map the location of the Mitchell river. What exit off 77? By the way, the trout "maps" on NC wildlife's website SUCK! (to quote another auspicious toker from the 80's, Spicoli). Who makes a map whose only points of reference are interstate highways and unnamed blue lined rivers and streams with little black triangles in a row to designate trout water. It's the freaking stupidest thing I've ever seen, and of course I bought them online two years ago for the whole state, so I've got this lovely 11x17 publication, second edition no less, that is totally WORTHLESS! But I digress. So in my frustration I thought I remembered writing about my first venture to Mitchell and calling Steveo aka Indian chief, on the phone and getting directions in route, surely I blogged the directions. So I found the entry from 2010, clever, entertaining and well written, like all my entries, but no specific intel. Somehow I was able to go back and forth between the wildlife map and the iPad map and a vague recollection of a road names Zephyr (why is that familiar???)and finally found it.

So I showed up on a foggy morning. Remembered the better fishing was down low. It's not a pretty stream per se, though it does have a certain pastoral feel to it, flanked on all sides by corn and soybean fields, a few old barns and one pretty farm house. But muddy bottoms and cloudy water aren't to exciting to me, I don't like wading when I can't see my feet. I could at least see where my feet should've been if not for the 18" of muck that is the mosquito lagoon. Well, I didn't cover much water, but caught a few brookies and a Bo as well as two little sucker fish with strange blister looking marks on their heads, and a sunfish. But after seeing exactly 5 fisherman in a total of 35 yards of water, and needing to get to my meeting in High Point, I decided, Mitchell is going as number two, right below "Brown Sugar" on my list of steams of no return! I'm making a NC wildlife quality map of these streams so I can never find them again.

Is my writing brilliant, or is it just me? How am I not published in FFJ or drake?

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