Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Farewell and Adieu to ye fair Spanish Ladies

... farewell and adieu to ye ladies of Spain. Special bonus points if you can name the movie that tune hales from - here's a hint, there is a fish involved.... That was our theme song as I took Morgan and Christian to hit the J Fork for the last time until October. We hacked our way into the gorge section. My plan was to get them to the big pool where they could "indian fish" for trout with out wading and moving around. I was very concerned as the water we passed was desolate of life and on the final bushwhacking descent to the pool, I cam across a fresh and empty worm carton, could that be a sign? Had the pillaging already begun.

Fortunately the big pool was stacked full and as the girls finally learned how to spot fish in the water, they became excited. The videos pretty much tell the story.

Only final caveat I'd add is that I caught 7 on small dry's, mostly at the head of the pool and struck up a conversation with friendly and forthcoming piscator who shared with me two lovely spots he'd fished but blast my poor short term memory, no matter how many times I repeated the locations over and over in my mind, by the time we hit the trail out, they were no where to be found! As Pablo counseled after the fact, I should've turned the video camera on him and got the directions fully archived for future pilfering. Oh well, one more shangrela to pour over maps in search of....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brad Pitt's line from "A river runs through utah"