Tuesday, March 24, 2009

First Day out and skunked, but that's not what it's all about right?

So, after a very pensive day, I took to the hills to get out of my head. It was a gorgeous day, mid 70s if you can believe that. New equipment begged me to break it in. Although the weather was "perfect", there was no fish to be caught by the Mule today. My years of not being skunked on the water have come to an end. But... who cares, fishing isn't just about the fish. It also has to do with communion with nature and drawing closer to our almighty creator.

So here it is BOYZ... my first day out in 2009 (somewhere near SLC, UT)


The Gov'na said...

Sweeet! Mule it is sooo good to see your post! Feel the joy baby! I love your video, perfect, is that your truck in the background? What a gorgeous stream.

One of the great things about trout country is no matter what else is going on in your life, the stream is always there, always ready to offer refreshment and renewal and give you a break from the grind of life!

You da man, make it a regular event.

Pablo said...
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Pablo said...

it's always good to hear the line, "its not about the fish" after being skunked! HA HA HA.. so much for the "I can't remember the last time I was skunked" line from the Mule! did you get enough fish porn last night?

The Gov'na said...

Pretty stout words Pab from a guy who dang near got skunked last week! It's about humility brethren- you get a little uppidy and the fish gods will slam you back down faster and harder than a bull trout hitting a wooly bugger.

I go out every trip thinking, "I'll probably get skunked"- from that lowly graveling position the fish gods may have mercy on the poor piscator and grant him a fish or two.

Mule said...

You guys rock... Gracias por sus comentarios