Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fortress of Fishability

Much has been said lately (among the two of us that actually read this drivel or care about the art of the angle) concerning our "Fortress of Fishability". I "LQTM" as I read the Guv'na's comment on my last post. Knowing he had just laid another brick around the foundation of his Fortress, and what a price he paid for that brick. BTW, how was that fried coke?

My Fortress is built mostly on ignorance. Many of my "outings" are done not so much secretively, but when others are doing things of more importance. All the better for me. As Guv'na said, and I quote, "Can't rush it, it takes time. My fortress of fishability still wobbles at the foundation from time to time." So take it where you can, built it brick by brick. By and by no one will care what you are doing with your fairy wand, you'll be left alone to wade the waters of wisdom.
Speaking of fairy wands, I took mine, the new 5ft 2wt up LHF on the Fool's Day. (great day to fish) I christened the wand on many a mighty trout. well, even those little 10"ers had their way with me once I had them hooked to my wand. I do tell you though, using the little rod with a bow 'n arrow cast was deadly. I could sneak up to within about 6 feet of those little trout that were hanging out under willows and sticks, punch a little bow 'n arrow cast right under the obstacles (use O' Brother dialect) and hook me a trout, and we'd be off to the races. It had me wondering what a 16" trout would do to me.....


The Gov'na said...

What the heck does LQTM mean??? My texting language ends as LOL and BTW... Latest quotient to measure? Last qualified total man? lunge quickly toward Maree? Largest quandry totally missed? Lightning quick transylvanian matador? Large quite turtle meditating? I could go on all day.

Of course the pablito does divulge the latest quality trick method (LQTM) to maintaining the Fortress of fishabiity (FOF)- fish either while your significant others are sleepy or otherwise engaged. I have spend most of my stream time during hours when they expect me to be gone anyway- that the LQTM on the FOF. TTYL GOV

Pablo said...

"Laugh Quietly to Myself"

but I liked yours as well.. good creativity.