Monday, April 11, 2011

Overheard at the Watering Hole

I tell you, strange things are said at the watering hole... I cross my heart this is the whole truth and nothin but the truth as I hear it;

Piscator 1: "Dang it, dad gum it all together. Turned the wrong way this morning. Should've stayed straight heading to "unnamed river" but turned right to work"

Piscator 2: "now why you wanna do that?"

Piscator 1: "I can't explain it.. just a weak moment, felt like I better get some work done. maybe if I worked harder while I'm at work instead of pissin around on the email and text I'd get more done and have time to fish..... nah.... prob not."

Piscator 2: "I tell myself the same thing, oughta work harder then be free to fish.. who am I foolin?"

Piscator 1: "It ain't our fault. Look at our grandpa's, both sides, we got us a double barrel full of screw around the woods and water genes. Heck, we're doing pretty good considering how hard we be fighting the deep genetic encoding... come from a long line of outdoorsman and frontier types."

Piscator 2: "Darn straight, I'm all teary eyed thinking of it"

Piscator 1: "No wonder I feel like I'm in a dammed cage when I'm in this office. It ain't my natural habitat... sheesh.. what am I, a dang zoo specimen?! They don't want to be fed, they want to hunt and kill! Or catch and release... a more modern, kinder gentler frontiersman."

Piscator 2: "No animal deserves to be in a cage!! It ain't right!"

Piscator 1: "Heck ya! I wanna see some dang "outdoorsman rift group: outside my office picketing for me to be set free. Throwing reams of white copy paper on passersby and screaming, "YOU CALL IT AN OFFICE, TO HIM IT'S A CAGE!!


Piscator 1: "Aw crap! I just realized this FRS healthy energy drink I kyped from Atlanta and had been swiggin this a.m. has 65mg of caffeine... no wonder I'm all freakin.,. better shut my mouth before I fire or give raises to everyone"

Piscator 2: "That's too funny"

Piscator 1: "You know we got that dang alcoholic gene too. We're trouble man. You know cousin whatshisname is on trial... sheesh.. we really like steelhead fightin up stream all the way"

Piscator 2: "Dang cousin whatshisname should've taken up fly fishing instead of shooting roomies"

Piscator 1: "See, that's what I'm saying, it's fly fishing that's kept me outta prison all these years!"

Piscator 2: "IT'S THE GOSPEL TRUTH!"

Piscator 1: "Sheesh, I think we got us a sitcom here. I'm going to write us up a pilot. We gonna be negotiating with NBC and people will watch it cause it's on TV!"

Piscator 2: "What's your drink called? I gotta get me one"

Piscator 1: "FRS natural energy, all lumped up with blueberry skins and spider saliva- natural antioxidants, but come to find out it's really the caffeine that's energizing you.. dang blueberries and spiders are just marketing hype. Lance Armstrong swears by it... I gotta whole backpack full for free in Atlanta, unfortunately, that was the same weekend I swore off caffeine.. no wonder I didn't mind dropping 75 $ at the Coke cathedral.... it's all making sense now.. sheesh, I gotta dump this stuff, I don't care what Lance says, probably gave him cancer"

Piscator 2: "Yah, he lost some testicles"

Piscator 1: "I need some Tylenol"

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