Friday, March 16, 2007

A collective sigh of relief-

Believe me, I about lost it. As I was doing some "honey-do's" to make up for the "episode" this week, I picked up a 2007 Proclamation at the grocery stand checkout and thumbed through it. Under ****** Fork River it read, "from **** Forks crossing upstream including ALL tributaries, closed to fishing". See, See, you should be thinking "hmm, that includes "brown sugar" and then a rush of panic and pain should shoot through your body as you let out a primordial scream. The poor girl at the checkout stand wet herself, but I didn't care, this was serious. An immediate phone call to the DWR in ****** gave me the information that all those tributaries had been poisoned and would remain closed for sometime. Through my mumbling and sob chocked blurting, I asked.."does.. sniff sniff.. that included...soft wailing...sniff sniff....."brown sugar"? Like the balm of Gilead..the soothing words of, "no, no, that tributary is below Three Forks" came to my hopeful and now joyful ears. The Hallelujah scream that escaped my lips made the poor girl on the other end of the phone deaf, and also slightly embarrassed from wetting herself, but again, I did not care.
So hear me brothers..we dodged a bullet on that one, June will still yield the sweet tooth pleasures.....and please, don't ever take away a man's brown sugar.
Forever your piscator


The Gov'na said...

Why are they poisoned? Are they killing off the browns to make it a cutthroat basin? Or was this some mining accident? WHO THE HELL IS RUNNING THE DWR anyway?

Pablo said...

It was unsuccessful in the attempt to make that upper section native they are starting over by killing all those nice brownies and putting in the native cutts. DWR stands for Dim Witted Republicans.