Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hans-i-nator's first time out!

Ok, I’m finally participating. Yes, I may not be the best at words or even the best at anything, but I’ll have the most fishing days in the year of 2007. Mark my words my brothers, Laman and Lemuel, I will lead you to the promised land.
My fishing year begins in the tiny stream of the Big Cotton Wood Canyon. It’s probably the most beautiful stream you will ever fish although the fishing isn’t that great…yet, but it will be as the year progresses. John can attest to its beauty since he has been there with me. And while on the subject of John, I don’t think I’ll take him again since he so easily out fished me that past day. Well, on Saturday 3/17, the water was crystal clear and extremely cold. It was 70 degrees, sunny and calm winds when I got put my waders on at 10AM, just beautiful. I found it very strange to see many people wearing winter attire getting ready to go snow shoeing at the very spot I started fishing. Maybe they thought the same as they gazed at me, with my short sleeve shirt, fishing vest, and speedos. Yes, I had to cross several feet of snow just to get into it water.
I only caught one 11 inch brown trout about half way through my three hour fishing time, so in other words, the fishing was fantastic. I caught him on the first cast after replacing my favorite fly, the Orange Stimulator, with a Pheasant tail nymph. I’m still paying my debt to the fish gods for stealing flies from Wal-Mart so many years ago. As John pointed out to me when we talked later that afternoon on the phone, I have no evidence of my fishing excursion. So, you’ll have to rely on my word alone. I’m an honest man, honest.
Please understand why I’ll have the most fishing days this year. This little fishing spot is only a short 15 minutes from my office cubicle, and since it’s in the heart of skiing territory, I get great cell reception. I can just work right from the stream boys. On top of that, I don’t have to do any “honey-do’s” to make up for it. So don’t feel taken aback if I eventually lead you all on this year’s journey although I know you both will catch more fish than I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely done...though you will be paying your debt to the fishing Gods alot longer for using a NYMPH of all things to catch that trout. How can you stoop so low?
I am jealous of that cell reception up there..that makes all the difference.