Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A horrible, horrible blunder

Dropping a fly box in swift water, swimming with your new video camera, stepping on the tip of your rod... all mistakes, but leave it me to create THE HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE BLUNDER! So I call JP to comment on his first day and the trout cam and all and his wife answers the phone...
Mick: John home?
wife: no, he's got young mens on Tuesdays
Mick: Oh yah, I always forget that...
wife: did you call to wish me happy birthday?
Mick: Yep, as a matter o' fact I did, Happy... 39th, it's all down here from there.
wife: yah that's what I hear- that's not really why you called though is it?
Mick: umm, yah, I was just calling to harrass John about fishing today
wife: what?
Mick: ummm, I uh, I was calling, umm, see I ummmm
wife: John went fishing today didn't he! He went because Noah was home sick and he left Noah with the little kids so he could fish. And it's MY BIRTHDAY
Mick: umm, I got a bad connection, ummmm I gotta go now my mom, i mean wife is calling for me, happy birthday, hope you have a great one, bye.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to act like I have amnesia from the last couple days...say I took a shot to the head..yah yah..that should work....or just run outta da room when the wife enters..

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just sat down to do something on the computer and noticed this new blog. Naturally I looked at the pics and read the captions underneath. So when was the "one" day that my husband went fishing? Very interesting.